How Fringe Benefits Attract and Keep Good Employees

Discover how fringe benefits can elevate your SMB's talent acquisition strategy. Learn about the variety of benefits, from wellness to nutrition, and how LIVD streamlines this process, enhancing employee well-being and boosting retention.

In the competitive world of talent acquisition, fringe benefits can be a game-changer. They can give your company an edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

So, what exactly are fringe benefits? They are additional perks offered by employers, beyond the standard salary. These can range from wellness programs, commuting coverage, family or home stipends, travel benefits, etc.  

The strategic use of fringe benefits can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts. It can make your company more appealing to potential employees, tipping the balance in your favour.

This article has helpful information for business leaders, HR professionals, and small to medium-sized business owners. It will equip you with the knowledge to leverage fringe benefits effectively in your talent acquisition strategy.

Understanding Fringe Benefits

Fringe benefits are a crucial part of the modern workplace. They are additional perks that employers offer to their employees, beyond the standard salary. These benefits can play a significant role in employee satisfaction and retention.

A comprehensive package of fringe benefits can make a company more attractive to potential employees. It can be a deciding factor for candidates choosing between job offers. Moreover, fringe benefits can have a positive psychological impact on employee morale and company culture.

Types of Employee Fringe Benefits

The types of fringe benefits offered can vary widely from one company to another. Tailoring a program to cater to your team’s preferences and needs is the key to success.

Common types of fringe benefits include:

  1. Physical Wellness Programs: These frequently include fitness challenges, gym memberships, and health screenings, all aimed at helping employees maintain physical fitness.
  2. Mental Health Initiatives: These programs concentrate on stress management, counseling services, and mindfulness training, to promote mental well-being.
  3. Programs for Nutritional Health: These programs promote healthy diet habits by providing nutrition consultation services, cooking classes, choices for healthy snacks at work, and convenient access to nutritious meals when you’re out and about, all while focusing on saving you time.
  4. Other Types of Benefits: The beauty of fringe benefits is that this category can be very open-ended. Each employee is unique, and their interests, hobbies, and choices are as well. The goal with any fringe benefit program is to give employee lots of options to choose from, so they can pick what works best for them. Other benefits could include commuting, family or home, travel benefits, entertainment stipends, or pet care perks.

The Strategic Role of Fringe Benefits in Talent Acquisition for SMBs

Fringe benefits play a strategic role in talent acquisition for SMBs. They can give companies a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. In today’s job market, a competitive salary alone is often not enough to attract the best candidates.

Offering a comprehensive package of fringe benefits can make a company stand out. It can show potential employees that the company values their well-being and work-life balance. This can be a powerful motivator for candidates to choose your company over others.

Moreover, fringe benefits can also play a role in employee retention. Employees who are satisfied with their benefits are more likely to stay with the company. This can reduce turnover and save costs associated with hiring and training new employees.

Advantages of Employee Fringe Benefits

Implementing employee fringe benefits can provide several advantages to SMBs:

  1. Enhanced Employee Well-being: Employee fringe benefits lead to healthier, happier employees, resulting in reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs.
  2. Heightened Productivity: Healthy employees tend to be more productive and engaged, thereby positively impacting your company’s bottom line.
  3. Talent Attraction and Retention: According to a study by Mercer, an HR consulting firm, they uncovered that employers offering comprehensive well-being practices experienced an 11% reduction in employee turnover.
  4. Reduced Healthcare Costs: By promoting healthier lifestyles, these benefits can lead to lower health insurance expenses.
  5. Increased Employee Morale: By prioritizing well-being, employees feel valued, leading to a more inspired and happier workforce.

Attracting Top Talent with Competitive Fringe Benefits for Talent Acquisition

Attracting top talent is a challenge for many companies. One way to stand out is by offering competitive fringe benefits for talent acquisition. These benefits can make a job offer more attractive and can be a deciding factor for candidates.

For example, a company that offers comprehensive wellness and fitness programs, flexible working hours, and holistic support for the whole employee can be more appealing to potential employees. These benefits show that the company cares about the well-being of its employees.

Unique perks like support for childcare, training and development opportunities, commuting benefits, or meal subsidies can also attract candidates. These benefits can make a company stand out from its competitors and attract top talent.

Designing an Effective Fringe Benefits Package with Employee Perks

Designing an effective fringe benefits package requires planning. It’s not just about offering the most expensive for trendy perks. The key is to offer benefits that truly add value to your employees’ lives.

Firstly, it’s important to understand the needs and preferences of your workforce. Different generations may value different types of benefits. For example, younger employees may value flexible working hours or professional development opportunities, while older employees may prioritize childcare or eldercare benefits.

Secondly, consider the nature of your business and the type of work your employees do. For instance, if your employees spend a lot of time on their feet, offering wellness benefits like gym memberships or massage services could be highly appreciated.

Aligning Benefits with Employee Needs and Company Goals

Aligning your fringe benefits with both employee needs and company goals is crucial. This alignment can enhance employee satisfaction and drive business success. For instance, if your company values continuous learning, offering professional development benefits can reinforce this value.

Understanding your employees’ needs can be achieved through surveys or feedback sessions. This can provide valuable insights into what benefits your employees value the most. It’s also important to regularly review and update your benefits package to ensure it remains relevant and competitive.

On the other hand, aligning benefits with company goals can help drive strategic objectives. For example, if your goal is to reduce employee turnover, offering benefits that promote employee retention, such as generous time off, flexible working hours, and stipends to support your employees inside and outside of work, can be effective.

Cost-Effective Fringe Benefits for SMBs

For SMBs, budget constraints can make offering competitive fringe benefits challenging. However, there are cost-effective ways to provide valuable benefits to your employees. The key is to be creative and strategic in your approach.

For instance, offering flexible working arrangements can be a low-cost yet highly valued benefit. This can include options for remote work, flexible working hours, or compressed work weeks. These benefits can improve work-life balance and increase employee satisfaction without incurring significant costs.

Another cost-effective strategy is to offer benefits that support professional development. This can include providing access to online courses, sponsoring attendance at industry conferences, or offering mentoring programs. These benefits can help your employees grow and develop in their careers, which can in turn benefit your business.

Giving your employees access to fringe benefits through platforms like LIVD can help them choose the benefits they want and stay within a monthly budget. It’s a way to save money while still offering a variety of benefits to your team.

Implementing and Communicating Employee Fringe Benefits

Implementing and communicating fringe benefits effectively is important. It’s not enough to simply offer great benefits. Your employees need to understand what’s available to them and how to access these benefits.

When implementing fringe benefits, consider using technology to streamline the process. Tools like LIVD make it easier for employees to pick and understand their fringe benefits.

Communication is key when it comes to fringe benefits. Regularly inform your employees about the benefits available to them. This can be done through various channels, such as company emails, newsletters, intranet posts, or benefits information sessions.

Remember, the goal is to ensure that your employees understand and appreciate the value of the benefits you offer. This can increase employee satisfaction and help you get the most out of your investment in fringe benefits.

Creating a Wellness-Driven Workplace Culture

To make your employee benefits program a compelling talent acquisition incentive, it needs to be deeply embedded in your company’s culture.

Crafting a wellness-driven workplace culture encompasses three essential components:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Leadership support is pivotal, as the wholehearted commitment of the leadership team conveys that wellness is a company-wide priority, fostering employee buy-in.
  2. Resources and Support: To ensure this commitment, provide an array of resources, from fitness classes to mental health workshops and healthy office food options, or a monthly stipend to use on benefits, making it effortless for employees to access wellness tools.
  3. Supportive Environment: Create a nurturing environment where well-being is actively encouraged, endorsing breaks for physical activity, mindfulness, relaxation, and celebrating wellness milestones and progress as integral aspects of your corporate culture.

Measuring the impact of Fringe Benefits

Measuring the impact of fringe benefits is important for understanding their effectiveness. It’s important to track metrics related to benefits usage, employee satisfaction, and retention rates.

One way to measure the impact of fringe benefits is through employee surveys. These can provide valuable insights into how employees perceive and value your benefits package. They can also help identify areas for improvement.

Another important metric is benefits usage. Tracking how often employee use their benefits can help you understand which benefits are most valued. This can inform future decisions about your benefits package.

Finally, consider tracking retention rates. If your fringe benefits package is effective, it should help improve employee retention.

ROI of Fringe Benefits in Recruitment and Retention

The return on investment (ROI) of fringe benefits can be significant, particularly when it comes to recruitment and retention. A competitive benefits package can help attract top talent and keep them at your company.

In terms of recruitment, fringe benefits can give you a competitive edge. Top candidates often consider benefits packages when deciding between job offers. Offering a comprehensive benefits package can help you attract and secure these candidates.

When it comes to retention, fringe benefits can play a key role. Employees who feel valued and well-cared for are more likely to stay with a company. A strong benefits package can contribute to this feeling of value and care.

In short, while fringe benefits require an investment, the potential returns in terms of recruitment and retention can make it well worth it.

The Future of Fringe Benefits

The future of fringe benefits is being shaped by the changing workforce needs and expectations. As the modern workforce evolves, so too will the types of benefits that employee value most.

One trend to watch is the increasing importance of work-life balance. As more employees seek a better balance between their work and personal lives, benefits that support this balance will become increasingly important. These could include flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs.

As the workforce becomes more diverse, benefits that cater to a wide range of needs and preferences will become increasingly important. This could include benefits that support different life stages, cultural backgrounds, and personal circumstances.


In conclusion, fringe benefits play a crucial role in talent acquisition and retention. They not only enhance the overall compensation package but also reflect a company’s commitment to employee well-being.

As the workforce evolves, so too must the fringe benefits offered by employers. Companies can do better in attracting top talent by being up to date with new trends and matching benefits with what employees want.

Ultimately, thoughtful fringe benefits can help a company attract great employees, make current employees happier, and build a strong company culture.


Ready to Revolutionize
Your Employee Fringe Benefits?

At LIVD, we believe managing employee benefits should be straightforward, modern, and, dare we say, fun! Our mobile app helps you handle fringe benefits, while saving you time and resources.

See for yourself how LIVD can elevate your benefits game and give you back valuable time.

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