Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs)

Personalize benefits budgets, reduce HR & Finance workload, and empower employees with choice.


Why Do Teams Choose Customizable Spending Accounts?

Most companies struggle to offer benefits that truly resonate with their workforce. To solve this, they resort to adding more benefits and perks, but only to find out they’re too complex and employees don’t value them. LIVD created a better way – by offering customizable spending accounts that prioritize personalization.

Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA)

These customizable, employer-sponsored spending accounts let employees allocate funds based on their personal priorities.

Personalizing benefits ensure that each dollar spent maximizes value and boosts employee satisfaction.


$1 in an LSA has the perceived value to employees of


Each dollar an employer contributes goes 50% further than other compensation.

How employees use their LSAs

Empower your team with flexible benefits